Lets us help you sell that house.
- Do you have a house that doesn't show well?
- Do you have a house that smells bad, is cluttered, or just plain dirty?
- Do you have a client with a personally decorated house, that doesn't appeal to all buyers?
- Do you have a client that doesn't see why they should work on a house they are moving out of?
- Are you worried about being "The Bad Guy" and harming your reputation or personal brand?
- Do you want to give your clients an edge?
If you answered yes to any of these questions give us a call we will help! We are non-partial, non-judgemental, home sales support consultant that can give an honest and frank discussion to your sellers, about their home and how to best help you sell it.
What Be Smart Homes does for you
- We bring an extra level of professionalism and knowledge to the table.
- Your clients will appreciate the team approach you bring to the table by recommending us.
- Your client will be made to feel empowered and excited about participating in the sales process.
- When your client's home sells fast and a for top dollar your client will be extra happy. They will recommend you. You will be happy.
What we do.
- We educate your seller on how to present their home. We specialize in occupied homes.
- We educate and support your seller on staging, decor and curb appeal.
- We help your seller achieve a home that will appeal to a wide range of buyers.
- We educate your seller on what the competition looks like, and show them the benefits of being at the top.
- We educate them on the do's and don'ts of being a property seller.
- When done, your client's home will sell faster and for top dollar. Now, who doesn't want that?
Using a staging and sales consultant should be as monitory for a seller as a home inspector is for a buyer. We look forward to working with your clients and helping you sell your next property.